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Application to vote European Elections 2024

El día 9 de junio de 2024 se celebrarán elecciones al Parlamento Europeo.

En estas elecciones podrán votar los nacionales de países de la Unión Europea que hayan manifestado previamente su intención de votar en España para estas elecciones. Para la formación del censo electoral de extranjeros residentes en España (CERE) para las elecciones al Parlamento Europeo, la Oficina del Censo Electoral (OCE) traslada la siguiente información a todos los ayuntamientos:

Los ciudadanos de la UE, no españoles, residentes en España, podrán votar en las elecciones al Parlamento Europeo de 9 de junio de 2024 si están incluidos en el censo electoral vigente de esas elecciones y son mayores de edad el día de la votación. Para la inclusión en el censo electoral vigente de las elecciones se requiere la inscripción previa en el Padrón municipal y haber manifestado su voluntad de ejercer el derecho de sufragio activo en las Elecciones al Parlamento Europeo en España.

Dónde realizar el trámite

Las declaraciones formales de manifestación de voluntad de voto en España para las elecciones al Parlamento Europeo pueden realizarse por internet, correo postal o personalmente en el Ayuntamiento de residencia de forma continua:

a) Por internet:

Para realizar la declaración formal por internet puede acceder a la Sede electrónica del Instituto Nacional de Estadística por Cl@ve. Este acceso es permanente. Si no dispone de Cl@ve y ha recibido una comunicación postal, puede acceder a la siguiente dirección de la Sede electrónica del INE, mediante la CTT recibida en la comunicación postal.

b) En el Ayuntamiento de residencia:

Mediante la cumplimentación del impreso de declaración formal de manifestación de voluntad de votar en España (modelo DFA).

b) Por correo postal:

Los ciudadanos que reciban esta comunicación y deseen inscribirse en el censo electoral de las elecciones al Parlamento Europeo podrán hacerlo sin más que cumplimentar la declaración formal contenida en la misma, firmarla y remitirla a la Delegación Provincial de la Oficina del Censo Electoral correspondiente, por correo postal, que no necesita franqueo.

NOTA: Excepcionalmente, para facilitar la manifestación de voluntad de voto en las elecciones al Parlamento Europeo, la OCE ha enviado en los últimos días de octubre una

comunicación a los ciudadanos de la UE residentes en España, con los datos de sus empadronamientos preimpresos. Las comunicaciones se han remitido únicamente a quienes la OCE (Oficina del Censo Electoral) no se haya dirigido con ocasión de elecciones al Parlamento Europeo anteriores (altas en Padrón posteriores a 30 de agosto de 2018) y no hayan realizado la declaración formal de intención de voto. Esta comunicación incluye una clave de tramitación telemática (CTT).

La manifestación de voluntad de votar en España tiene carácter permanente mientras el interesado resida en España, salvo solicitud formal en otro sentido. Para que tengan efecto en el censo electoral vigente de las elecciones al Parlamento Europeo del 9 de junio de 2024, las altas en Padrón y las declaraciones formales deberán realizarse como tarde el día 30 de enero de 2024.

Las manifestaciones presentadas después del 30 de enero de 2024, incluidas las que pudieran presentarse por reclamación a los datos de inscripción en el censo electoral, no se incorporarán en el censo vigente de las elecciones de 9 de junio de 2024.

Resolución de 12 de abril de 2013, de la Oficina del Censo Electoral, por la que se establecen los procedimientos y se aprueba el modelo de solicitud para la inscripción en el censo electoral para las elecciones al Parlamento Europeo de los ciudadanos nacionales de otros países de la Unión Europea residentes en España.

Resolución de 7 de septiembre de 2010, de la Oficina del Censo Electoral, por la que se establecen los procedimientos y se aprueba el modelo de solicitud para la inscripción en el censo electoral para las elecciones municipales de los ciudadanos nacionales de países de la Unión Europea, modificada por la Resolución de la Oficina del Censo Electoral de 12 de abril de 2013. Texto consolidado.

Resolución de 17 de febrero de 2020, de la Presidencia del Instituto Nacional de Estadística y de la Dirección General de Cooperación Autonómica y Local, por la que se dictan instrucciones técnicas a los Ayuntamientos sobre la gestión del Padrón municipal.

Application to vote for European Union Residents (Municipal Elections 2023)

Los ciudadanos de la UE residentes en España, que reúnan los requisitos para ser electores exigidos para los españoles, pueden ejercer el derecho de sufragio activo en las elecciones municipales si manifiestan su voluntad de voto en estas elecciones.

Para facilitar la manifestación de voluntad de voto en las elecciones municipales, la OCE va a enviar en los últimos días de octubre una comunicación a los ciudadanos de la UE residentes en España, con los datos de sus empadronamientos preimpresos. Las comunicaciones serán remitidas únicamente a quienes la OCE no se haya dirigido con ocasión de elecciones municipales anteriores (altas en Padrón posteriores a 30 de agosto de 2018) y no hayan realizado la declaración formal. Esta comunicación incluye una clave de tramitación telemática (CTT) que posibilita realizar la manifestación de voto en elecciones municipales por internet, sin tener acceso a cl@ve.

Quienes reciban esta carta podrán manifestar su voluntad de votar en las elecciones municipales por internet, con acceso a cl@ve o con la CTT, o por correo postal enviando la respuesta a la carta directamente a la Delegación Provincial de la OCE, sin necesidad de pagar franqueo.

Dónde realizar el trámite
Las declaraciones formales de manifestación de voluntad de voto en España para las elecciones municipales pueden realizarse por internet, correo postal o personalmente en el Ayuntamiento de residencia.

a) Por internet:
Los ciudadanos de la UE residentes en España pueden manifestar su intención de votar en España en las elecciones municipales (y también en las elecciones al Parlamento Europeo si lo desean) por internet si acceden al trámite de la Sede Electrónica del Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE) mediante el sistema cl@ve. Este trámite es continuo.

b) En el Ayuntamiento de residencia:
Mediante la cumplimentación del impreso de declaración formal (modelo DFA) proporcionado por la Delegación Provincial de la OCE a ese Ayuntamiento en un fichero o que el propio interesado puede descargarse de la sede electrónica del INE en la dirección La acreditación de identidad podrá hacerse, además de con la tarjeta de extranjero en dónde figura el NIE, con el documento de identidad o pasaporte de su país de origen.

La manifestación de voluntad de votar en España tiene carácter permanente mientras el interesado resida en España, salvo solicitud formal en otro sentido. Para que tengan efecto en el censo electoral vigente de las elecciones municipales de 28 de mayo de 2023, las altas en Padrón y las declaraciones formales deberán realizarse como tarde el día 30 de enero de 2023.

Las manifestaciones presentadas después del 30 de enero de 2023, incluidas las que pudieran presentarse por reclamación a los datos de inscripción en el censo electoral, no se incorporaran en el censo vigente de las elecciones de 28 de mayo de 2023.

Resolución de 7 de septiembre de 2010, de la Oficina del Censo Electoral, por la que se establecen los procedimientos y se aprueba el modelo de solicitud para la inscripción en el censo electoral para las elecciones municipales de los ciudadanos nacionales de países de la Unión Europea.

Censo electoral de ciudadanos de la Unión Europea

Participación Ciudadana

Voting application from countries with voting agreements (Municipal elections 2023)

Residents in Spain who are nationals from counties that have Agreements recognizing the right to vote in Municipal Elections, and who meet the requirements therein established, may apply to be registered in the electoral census for the upcoming Municipal Elections on 28 May, 2023.

Los Países con Acuerdos en vigor son: Bolivia, Cabo Verde, Chile, Colombia, Corea, Ecuador, Islandia, Noruega, Nueva Zelanda, Paraguay, Perú, Reino Unido y Trinidad y Tobago. Nationals from other countries in the process of establishing such Agreements may also apply for registration if these become valid within the given submission period.

Where to Apply
Applications for registration may be filled out on the Internet, mailed in by post or submitted in person at the Town Hall.

In order to facilitate the process, during the final days of the month of November 2022, the OCE (Electoral Census Office) will send out a communication to foreign residents in Spain whose countries have a reciprocal Voting Agreement, and who meet the requirements set forth above, along with their personal data and pre-printed residence information obtained from the Central Registry of Foreigners and the municipal population census in the INE (National Institute of Statistics).  This census information dates back to 30 August 2022. The communication includes a code for computer processing (CTT), thus enabling registration applications to be done over the Internet.  

a) By Internet:
To transact the application for registration by Internet, interested parties should click on “Solicitud de inscripción” on the INE website,, confirm their identity by means of the cl@ve system, and then choose the option application for registration (“solicitud de inscripción”). Those who do not have access to the cl@ve system may transact the application via their NIE along with the code for computer processing (CTT) included in their communication.

b) By Post:
Interested parties should mail their application form directly to the Provincial Delegation of the OCE, a delivery for which postage is not required.

c) At the Town Hall in the Place of Residence:
Interested parties who feel that they meet the conditions set forth in the Agreement may submit their application in person at their corresponding Town Hall, identifying themselves by means of their NIE. (Nationals from Norway, Iceland and the United Kingdom also have the option of using either their national identity card or their passport.)

The length of legal residence in Spain must be substantiated by a Certificate of Residence issued by the Oficina de Extranjería or by the Police Station in the corresponding province. It stands to mention that the only competent body in matters of foreign residence and immigration is the General Directorate of Police

Time Period
The submission period for all applications is from 1 December 2022 to 15 January 2023.

Applications submitted to Town Halls must be forwarded to the OCE (Electoral Census Office) before 20 January 2023.

Any application submitted outside this timeframe, including any that may have been submitted after contesting the data contained in the electoral census, will be turned away on the basis of not having met the deadline.

The conditions that must be met in order to obtain the right to vote are the following. One must:

  1. Be eighteen years old or older and not be denied the right to active suffrage.
  2. Be registered in the municipal population census.
  3. Be in possession of a valid authorization for one’s residence in Spain.
  4. Have resided legally in Spain for the time period stipulated by the corresponding Agreement (three years on the day of the election for Norwegian nationals; three years at the time of application for UK nationals; and five year at the time of application for the remaining countries). This requirement may be fulfilled by presenting a Certificate of Residence issued by the Police Station.

- Order EHA/2264/2010, 20 July, in which the norms and technical instructions for compiling the electoral census are set forth regarding residents in Spain whose countries have Agreements for Municipal Elections, modified by Order ECC/1758/2014, on 23 September.

- Resolution 27 October 2014, from the Electoral Census Office, in which the procedures are established, and the application model for registration in the electoral census is approved for residents in Spain whose countries have Agreements for Municipal Elections.

Request vote countries with agreements

Participación Ciudadana

Official de-registration application


For the purpose of requesting the removal from the Municipal Register of Inhabitants at the request of the owner of the dwelling of those individuals who do not reside in the domicile where they are registered in breach of the obligation stipulated in article 54, Royal Decree 1,690/1986, 11 July, which approves the Regulation of Population and Demarcation of Local Entities is approved, if they have established their residence at the address indicated.

Documentation required:

Completed official request for withdrawal, photocopy of the identity document and photocopy of the Local Property Tax or owner’s deed.

Download forms:


Application for removal from the municipal electoral register of inhabitants due to transfer to another country (foreign citizens only)

Description: foreign citizens who move their residence to another country must provide notification of this in order to proceed with their removal from the municipality where they are registered.

NB: in the case of Spanish citizens who transfer their residence to another country, they must register at the respective Spanish Embassy or Consulate.

Documentation required: completed application for withdrawal due to transfer of residence to another country, photocopy of the identity document and document that proves departure from the country.

Download forms:


Application to confirm entry in residence registration for EU citizens and non-EU citizens with long-term or permanent residence

Description: within the framework of the control and updating operations of the municipal registers stipulated in article 78 of the regulation of population and territorial demarcation of local entities, approved by Royal Decree 1690/1986, 11 July, it is necessary to carry out regular checks on the residence in the municipality of foreign citizens who do not have the obligation to renew their registration every two years, when there are indications that they may have stopped residing or their registration has not changed in the last five years. In your case, you are in the following situation:

  • You are not registered in the Central Registry of Foreign Citizens (RCE) (compulsory for residencies of over three months) and your last residence registration has not changed in the last two years.
  • You have an expired foreign citizen identity card (foreign citizens with a long-term residence permit or with a residence card of a family member who is an EU citizen) and their registration has not changed in the last five years.
  • You have a certificate of registration in the RCE as an EU citizen issued over five years ago and your residence registration has not changed in the last five years.

The grounds for this measure lie in the fact that, unlike Spaniards, who must register in the Consular Register when they move abroad, with the subsequent automatic removal from the respective Municipal Register, foreign citizens usually do not provide notification that they are leaving Spain, nor can they register with Spanish Consulates, nor is there an interconnection system with the population registers of other countries (if they exist), so they would continue to be registered indefinitely even if they no longer reside in the municipality.

Documentation required: completed application for verification of registration in the register and photocopy of the valid passport or foreign citizen identity card.

Download forms:


Renewal of electoral registration for non-EU citizens (without long-term or permanent residence)

Description: Non-EU foreign citizens who do not have a permanent or long-term residence permit must renew the registration of their details in the Municipal Register every two years from their first registration or last renewal, in order to verify that they continue to live in Spain and in the same municipality in which they are registered.

Documentation required: completed application for renewal and photocopy of the valid passport or foreign citizen identity card.

Download forms:



Birth registration application

Description: inscription, for the first time, of a newborn child in the Municipal Register of Inhabitants.

Documentation required: duly completed registration application, photocopy of the identity documents of the parents and photocopy of the family registration booklet or birth certificate.

NB: in the event that the minor is registered with only one parent, an authorisation from the other must also be provided.

Application for registration, change of address or modification of personal details

Description: procedure to request registration, change of address or modification of personal data in the town hall municipal register of inhabitants. The Municipal Register records the residence and fixed address of a person in a municipality for administrative purposes.  Residents must register in the municipality where they reside and provide notification as to any change in their registration data. Those who live in more than one municipality will register in the one they reside for the longest time per year. Every person has the right to know the information that appears in the Register about them and request its rectification when it is erroneous or incorrect. Furthermore, every time they change their address, they must notify the Town Hall.

Documentation required:

Registration or change of address

  • If you are the leaseholder:
  1. Duly completed registration in the Municipal Register.
  2. Photocopy and original of Identity Card, Foreign Citizen’s Identity Card or passport.
  3. Photocopy and original of the lease agreement.
  4. Copy of the Local Property Tax (IBI) receipt, if the cadastral reference does not appear in the contract.
  • If you are not the leaseholder:
  1. Duly completed registration in the Municipal Register.
  2. Written authorisation from the property owner.
  3. Photocopy of the owner’s Identity Card, Foreign Citizen’s Identity Card or passport and the Local Property Tax (IBI) for the property.
  4. Photocopy and original of the lease agreement.
  5. Photocopy and original of Identity Card, Foreign Citizen’s Identity Card or passport.
  • If you are not the owner of the property.
  1. Duly completed registration in the Municipal Register.
  2. Photocopy and original of Identity Card, Foreign Citizen’s Identity Card or passport.
  3. Photocopy and original of the receipt for the Local Property Tax (IBI) or property deed.


  • The lease agreement must include the street, number, floor, door number if it is an urban area, and cadastral reference. If rural, it must include the plot and property number, in addition to the cadastral reference.
  • To register minors, the original and a photocopy of the family registration booklet must be submitted and, in the event that a minor is registered with only one parent, authorisation from the other parent or court order of guardianship and custody must be provided, as applicable.
  • Registration will be in person.

 Modification of personal details: duly completed application and photocopy of the document that proves the modification of personal details (Identity Card, Foreign Citizen’s Identity Card, passport, etc.).

Download of forms:

Application for certificates (residence, electoral register, co-habitation)

The procedure will be carried out in person, identifying yourself with the valid identity document. If requesting certificates for other people, a written authorization from the interested party must be provided and a photocopy of the identity document of the authorising party as well as the authorised party attached.