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Consult article 40, Law 7/2013

Who can apply? Individuals and legal entities (through previously disclosed legal representative). 
Documentation required General application accompanied by the documentation required to answer the requested query. 
Where do I apply? At the Municipal Offices General Registry or via the Electronic Registry of the Town Hall’s electronic headquarters (provided that you have an electronic signature, according to article 10, Law 39/2015). 

Price and payment method

Fee for the issuance of administrative documents set in the tax bylaws for the current year.


Law 39/2015, October 1, on common administrative procedure for public administrations (Official State Gazette, 236, 2 October).

Who processes the application?

Urban Planning and Activities Department.

Starting the procedure

At the request of the interested party.

Requirements Models of standardized forms, well completed and accompanied by the documentation indicated on the form. 
Processing office Urban Planning and Activities Department
C. Mariano Riquer Wallis, 4 (3ª planta)
07840 Santa Eulària des Riu (Ibiza)
Tel. 971332800 (ext. 415)

Adjudicatory body


Effects of administrative silence

Not applicable.

Processing period

The processing period may take up to one month.

Request for copies and certificates of activity records

Who can apply

Individuals and legal entities (through previously disclosed legal representative). 

Documentation required

General application.

Where do I apply At the Municipal Offices General Registry or via the Electronic Registry of the Town Hall’s electronic headquarters (provided that you have an electronic signature, according to article 10, Law 39/2015). 

Price and payment method

Fee for the issuance of administrative documents set in the tax bylaws for the current year.


Law 39/2015, October 1, on common administrative procedure for public administrations (Official State Gazette, 236, 2 October).

Who processes the application?

Urban Planning and Activities Department.

Starting the procedure

At the request of the interested party.

Requirements Models of standardized forms, well completed and accompanied by the documentation indicated on the form. 
Unidad tramitadora  Urban Planning and Activities Department.
C. Mariano Riquer Wallis, 4 (3ª planta)
07840 Santa Eulària des Riu (Ibiza)
Tel. 971332800 (ext. 415) 

Adjudicatory body


Effects of administrative silence

Not applicable.


Be an interested party, according to the conditions stipulated by article 4.1, Law 39/2015:

  • Be a holder of individual or collective rights or legitimate interests.
  • Without having initiated the procedure, have rights that may be affected by the decision that is adopted.
  • Those persons whose individual or collective legitimate interests may be affected by the ruling and appear in the procedure before the final ruling has been issued.

Processing period

Three months.

Non-permanent innocuous activity authorisation application

Who can apply?  Individuals and legal entities (through previously disclosed legal representative). 
Documentation required
  • Non-permanent activity authorisation application.
  • Proof of public interest with economic and social criteria.
  • Occupation authorization or occupation request, when it is located in the public domain.
  • Request or accreditation of exemptions, if applicable.
  • Report or authorization of the different concurrent administrations affected by the development of the activity, if applicable.
  • The start and end dates, the schedule, the location and the expected capacity.
  • Descriptive documentation of the activity to be carried out (written and graphic documentation) in which the owner states that they will ensure compliance with sectoral regulations, especially on hygiene, public health, safety, evacuation, fire prevention and other collective risks, public safety, protection of children and young people, mobility, defence of the general public, nuisances caused by noise, smoke, odours and similar, as well as protection of the territory, an which concurrent sectoral authorizations are necessary must also be stated.
  • The name and identification data of the person, or persons, who will assume responsibility for the control of the activity on site.
    Performances, groups and artists involved, if applicable.
  • Municipal license for permanent activity or equivalent valid authorisation, in the event that it is undertaken in an establishment where a permanent activity is carried out.
  • Acoustic study in the event that it is stipulated by the regulatory bylaws on noise and vibrations and/or Law 1/2007, of March 16, against noise pollution in the Balearic Islands.
IMPORTANT: The application and all documentation must be submitted at least fifteen days before the scheduled completion date. The submission of the documentation in a shorter term than fifteen days may be a reason for denying the authorization.
The entire documentation must also be submitted in electronic form as a pdf. 
Where do I apply?  At the Municipal Offices General Registry or via the Electronic Registry of the Town Hall’s electronic headquarters (provided that you have an electronic signature, according to article 10, Law 39/2015). 

Price and payment method

  • Self-assessment generated by the General Registry in view of the documentation submitted, according to the rate set in the municipal tax bylaws for the current year.
  • By payment card at the General Registry when submitting the documentation.
  • Payment on the day documentation is submitted or the following day at any of the participating banking entities that appear in the self-assessment, or online on the Santa Eulària des Riu Town Hall website.
  • Law 7/2013, 26 November, on the legal system for installation, access and exercise of activities in the Balearic Islands (Balearic Islands Official Gazette no. 166, 30 November), and the modifications enacted by Law 6/2019, 8 February (Balearic Islands Official Gazette no. 21, 16 February).
  • Law 39/2015, October 1, on common administrative procedure for public administrations (Official State Gazette, 236, 2 October).
  • Santa Eulària des Riu Town Hall tax bylaws.
  • Other bylaws according to activity requested.
Bylaws can be consulted via this website by accessing "Town Hall> Bylaws" or "Departments> Territory, urban planning and activities". 

Who processes the application?

Urban Planning and Activities Department.

Starting the procedure

At the request of the interested party.

Requirements Models of standardized forms, well completed and accompanied by the documentation indicated on the forms. 
Processing office Urban Planning and Activities Department.
C. Mariano Riquer Wallis, 4 (3ª planta)
07840 Santa Eulària des Riu (Ibiza)
Tel. 971332800 (ext. 415) 

Adjudicatory body


Effects of administrative silence


Additional information  Additional information is available from the Urban Planning and Activities Department. 

Application for authorization of major or minor non-permanent activity

Who can apply?  Indiferente: personas físicas, personas jurídicas (mediante representante legal previamente acreditado). 
Documentation required
  • Non-permanent activity authorisation application.
  • Proof of public interest with economic and social criteria.
  • Occupation authorization or occupation request, when it is located in the public domain.
  • Request or accreditation of exemptions, if applicable.
  • Report or authorization of the different concurrent administrations affected by the development of the activity, if applicable.
  • The start and end dates, the schedule, the location and the expected capacity.
  • Technical documentation signed by a competent technician or technician (plans and memory on hygiene, public health, safety, evacuation, fire prevention and other collective risks, citizen security, protection of children and young people, mobility, defence of the general public, nuisances caused by noise, fumes, odours and similar, as well as protection of the territory, and which concurrent sectoral authorizations are necessary must also be indicated).
  • The name and identification data of the person, or persons, who will assume responsibility for the control of the activity on site.
  • Performances, groups and artists involved, if applicable.
  • Municipal license for permanent activity or equivalent qualifying title, in the event that it is done in an establishment where a permanent activity is carried out.
  • Acoustic study in the event that it is stipulated by the regulatory bylaws on noise and vibrations and/or Law 1/2007, of March 16, against noise pollution in the Balearic Islands.
  • Copy of the self-protection plan that is processed in the competent administration in matters of emergencies, if it is a major non-permanent activity.
IMPORTANT: The application and all documentation must be submitted at least thirty days before the scheduled completion date. The submission of the documentation in a shorter term may be a reason for denying the authorization.
The entire documentation must also be submitted in electronic form as a pdf. 
Where do I apply?  At the Municipal Offices General Registry or via the Electronic Registry of the Town Hall’s electronic headquarters (provided that you have an electronic signature, according to article 10, Law 39/2015).

Price and payment method

  • Self-assessment generated by the General Registry in view of the documentation submitted, according to the rate set in the municipal tax bylaws for the current year.
  • By payment card at the General Registry when submitting the documentation.
  • Payment on the day documentation is submitted or the following day at any of the participating banking entities that appear in the self-assessment, or online on the Santa Eulària des Riu Town Hall website.
  • Law 7/2013, 26 November, on the legal system for installation, access and exercise of activities in the Balearic Islands (Balearic Islands Official Gazette no. 166, 30 November), and the modifications enacted by Law 6/2019, 8 February (Balearic Islands Official Gazette no. 21, 16 February).
  • Law 39/2015, October 1, on common administrative procedure for public administrations (Official State Gazette, 236, 2 October).
  • Santa Eulària des Riu Town Hall tax bylaws.
  • Other bylaws according to activity requested.
Bylaws can be consulted via this website by accessing "Town Hall> Bylaws" or "Departments> Territory, urban planning and activities". 

Who processes the application?

Urban Planning and Activities Department.

Starting the procedure

At the request of the interested party.


Models of standardized forms, well completed and accompanied by the documentation indicated in the same forms.
Processing office Urban Planning and Activities Department.
C. Mariano Riquer Wallis, 4 (3ª planta)
07840 Santa Eulària des Riu (Ibiza)
Tel. 971332800 (ext. 415) 

Adjudicatory body


Effects of administrative silence


Additional information Additional information is available from the Urban Planning and Activities Department. 

Statement of compliance for the installation, start and exercise of innocuous itinerant activities

Who can apply?  Individuals and legal entities (through previously disclosed legal representative).

Documentation required

There is one phase in the processing procedure.

  • Duly completed statement of responsibility for the start and exercise of itinerant activity.
  • Decision on entry in the Regional Activities Register.
  • Negative certification from the central registry of sexual offenders of the owner of the activity and their personnel.
  • Accreditation of the authorization of the competent body when it is located in the public domain.
  • Accreditation of the authorization of the owner or the owner when it is located on private land.

The entire documentation must also be submitted in electronic form as a pdf.

Where do I apply? At the Municipal Offices General Registry or via the Electronic Registry of the Town Hall’s electronic headquarters (provided that you have an electronic signature, according to article 10, Law 39/2015). 

Price and payment method

  • Self-assessment generated by the General Registry in view of the documentation submitted, according to the rate set in the municipal tax bylaws for the current year.
  • By payment card at the General Registry when submitting the documentation.
  • Payment on the day documentation is submitted or the following day at any of the participating banking entities that appear in the self-assessment, or online on the Santa Eulària des Riu Town Hall website
  • Law 7/2013, 26 November, on the legal system for installation, access and exercise of activities in the Balearic Islands (Balearic Islands Official Gazette no. 166, 30 November), and the modifications enacted by Law 6/2019, 8 February (Balearic Islands Official Gazette no. 21, 16 February).
  • Law 39/2015, October 1, on common administrative procedure for public administrations (Official State Gazette, 236, 2 October).
  • Santa Eulària des Riu Town Hall tax bylaws.
  • Other bylaws according to activity requested.
Bylaws can be consulted via this website by accessing "Town Hall> Bylaws" or "Departments> Territory, urban planning and activities". 

Who processes the application?

Urban Planning and Activities Department.

Starting the procedure

At the request of the interested party.

Requirements Models of standardized forms, well completed and accompanied by the documentation indicated on the forms. 
Processing office Urban Planning and Activities Department.
C. Mariano Riquer Wallis, 4 (3ª planta)
07840 Santa Eulària des Riu (Ibiza)
Tel. 971332800 (ext. 415) 

Adjudicatory body


Effects of administrative silence

It does not apply to statements of compliance.

Additional information  These activities do not require an installation permit. However, the activity cannot begin until all the requested documentation is submitted once the setting up of the activity has been completed. 

Processing of major or minor itinerant activities

Who can apply? Individuals and legal entities (through previously disclosed legal representative). 

Documentation required

There are two phases in the processing procedure.

PHASE 1. Documentation required in order to obtain the urban planning license

  • Application for planning permission of works.
  • Basic building plan with the contents of annex 2, Law 7/2013, or with this content in technical documentation attached to the basic plan. Subsequently, with the execution plan, the activities plan must be provided, or the complete activities plan must be provided from the beginning.
  • Duly completed statement of compliance by the technician or the competent technician, in the event that the endorsed technical documentation is not submitted.

PHASE 2. Documentation required for the beginning and duration of the activity.

  • Duly completed. Statement of compliance for the start and exercise of permanent activity.
  • Duly completed technical certificate of activity, with plans of the final state of the facilities.
  • Duly completed statement of compliance by the technician or the competent technician, in the event that the endorsed technical documentation is not submitted.
  • Technical certificate provided by the project manager

The entire documentation must also be submitted in electronic form as a pdf.

Where do I apply? At the Municipal Offices General Registry or via the Electronic Registry of the Town Hall’s electronic headquarters (provided that you have an electronic signature, according to article 10, Law 39/2015). 

Price and payment method


  • Self-assessment generated by the General Registry in view of the documentation submitted, according to the rate set in the municipal tax bylaws for the current year.
  • By payment card at the General Registry when submitting the documentation.
  • Payment on the day documentation is submitted or the following day at any of the participating banking entities that appear in the self-assessment, or online on the Santa Eulària des Riu Town Hall website.
  • Law 7/2013, 26 November, on the legal system for installation, access and exercise of activities in the Balearic Islands (Balearic Islands Official Gazette no. 166, 30 November), the modifications enacted by Law 4/2014, 8 February (Balearic Islands Official Gazette no. 88, 28 June), Law 6/2019, 8 February (Balearic Islands
  • Official Gazette no. 21, 16 February), Decree Law 8/2020, 13 May (Balearic Islands Official Gazette no. 84, 15 May) Law 2/2020, 15 October (Balearic Islands
  • Official Gazette no. 180, 20 October).
  • Santa Eulària des Riu Town Hall tax bylaws.
  • Other bylaws according to activity requested.
Municipal regulations can be consulted via this website by accessing ‘Town Hall> Bylaws' or ‘Areas/Departments> Urban Planning and Activities'.

Who processes the application?

Urban Planning and Activities Department.

Starting the procedure

At the request of the interested party.


Models of standardized forms, well completed and accompanied by the documentation indicated in the same forms. 

Processing office 

Urban Planning and Activities Department.
C. Mariano Riquer Wallis, 4 (3ª planta)
07840 Santa Eulària des Riu (Ibiza)
Tel. 971332800 (ext. 415)

Adjudicatory body


Effects of silence

Upheld, except in cases where the specific regulations stipulate the contrary in terms of works.

Additional information For additional information, please contact the Urban Planning and Activities Department. 

Notification of transfer or change of owner of the activity (article 12; Law 7/2013)

Who can apply?  Individuals and legal entities (through previously disclosed legal representative).

Documentation required

If there is a signature of the person who assigns the activity:

  • Duly completed statement of compliance for the start and exercise of permanent activity due to change of ownership.
  • Photocopy of the new holder’s identity document.
  • Photocopy of the identity document of the person assigning the activity.
  • Photocopy of the document certifying representation if the person who assigns the activity or the new owner is a legal entity or an owners’ association

If there is no signature of the person who assigns the activity:

  • Duly completed statement of compliance for the start and exercise of permanent activity due to change of ownership.
  • Photocopy of the new holder’s identity document.
  • Photocopy of the document certifying representation if the new owner is a legal entity or an owners’ association.
  • Photocopy of a document that proves their right (lease agreement, articles of incorporation of the owners’ association if it is a garage, etc.) to provide proof of the operation of the activity (use and enjoyment of the establishment).
  • Certificate issued by a competent technician or technician certifying that no substantial modifications have been made to the activity in accordance with article 12; law 7/2013, on the legal system for installation, access and exercise of activities in the Balearic Islands.

The entire documentation must also be submitted in electronic form as a pdf.

Where do I apply?  At the Municipal Offices General Registry or via the Electronic Registry of the Town Hall’s electronic headquarters (provided that you have an electronic signature, according to article 10, Law 39/2015). 

Price and payment method

  • Self-assessment generated by the General Registry in view of the documentation submitted, according to the rate set in the municipal tax bylaws for the current year.
  • By payment card at the General Registry when submitting the documentation.
  • Payment on the day documentation is submitted or the following day at any of the participating banking entities that appear in the self-assessment, or online on the Santa Eulària des Riu Town Hall website


  • Law 7/2013, 26 November, on the legal system for installation, access and exercise of activities in the Balearic Islands (Balearic Islands Official Gazette no. 166, 30 November), the modifications enacted by Law 4/2014, 8 February (Balearic Islands Official Gazette no. 88, 28 June), Law 6/2019, 8 February (Balearic Islands Official Gazette no. 21, 16 February), Decree Law 8/2020, 13 May (Balearic Islands Official Gazette no. 84, 15 May) Law 2/2020, 15 October (Balearic Islands Official Gazette no. 180, 20 October).
  • Law 39/2015, October 1, on common administrative procedure for public administrations (Official State Gazette, 236, 2 October).
  • Santa Eulària des Riu Town Hall tax bylaws.

Who processes the application?

Urban Planning and Activities Department.

Starting the procedure

At the request of the interested party.

  • Be the new operator of the activity.
  • Models of standardized forms, well completed and accompanied by the documentation indicated in the same forms.
Processing office Urban Planning and Activities Department.
C. Mariano Riquer Wallis, 4 (3ª planta)
07840 Santa Eulària des Riu (Ibiza)
Tel. 971332800 (ext. 415) 

Adjudicatory body


Effects of administrative silence

Not applicable.

Further information  The new owner is subrogated to the rights and obligations of the previous owner, including continuing the processing and submitting the remaining documentation and the statement of compliance for the activity, if applicable.

Processing simple modification of major and minor permanent activities

Who can apply?  Individuals and legal entities (through previously disclosed legal representative)-

Documentation required

  • Duly completed prior notification of simple modification of permanent activity.
  • Modification description and plans.
  • Required documentation stipulated in Urban Planning (location plan and current status, photos, itemized budget, diagram of the works to be carried out)

The entire documentation must also be submitted in electronic form as a pdf.

Where do I apply?  At the Municipal Offices General Registry or via the Electronic Registry of the Town Hall’s electronic headquarters (provided that you have an electronic signature, according to article 10, Law 39/2015). 

Price and payment method

  • Self-assessment generated by the General Registry in view of the documentation submitted, according to the rate set in the municipal tax bylaws for the current year.
  • By payment card at the General Registry when submitting the documentation.
  • Payment on the day documentation is submitted or the following day at any of the participating banking entities that appear in the self-assessment, or online on the Santa Eulària des Riu Town Hall website.
  • Law 7/2013, 26 November, on the legal system for installation, access and exercise of activities in the Balearic Islands (Balearic Islands Official Gazette no. 166, 30 November), the modifications enacted by Law 4/2014, 8 February (Balearic Islands Official Gazette no. 88, 28 June), Law 6/2019, 8 February (Balearic Islands Official Gazette no. 21, 16 February), Decree Law 8/2020, 13 May (Balearic Islands Official Gazette no. 84, 15 May) Law 2/2020, 15 October (Balearic Islands Official Gazette no. 180, 20 October).
  • Law 39/2015, October 1, on common administrative procedure for public administrations (Official State Gazette, 236, 2 October).
  • Santa Eulària des Riu Town Hall tax bylaws.
  • Other bylaws according to activity requested
La normativa municipal se puede consultar desde esta web accediendo por 'Ayuntamiento> Ordenanzas municipales' o 'Áreas/Departamentos> Urbanismo y actividades'. 

Who processes the application?

Urban Planning and Activities Department.

Starting the procedure

At the request of the interested party.

Requirements MModels of standardized forms, well completed and accompanied by the documentation indicated therein. 
Processing office Urban Planning and Activities Department.
C. Mariano Riquer Wallis, 4 (3ª planta)
07840 Santa Eulària des Riu (Ibiza)
Tel. 971332800 (ext. 415) 

Adjudicatory body


Effects of administrative silence

Not applicable.

Effects of administrative silence  For additional information, please contact the Urban Planning and Activities Department. 

Processing of car parks in newly-constructed buildings with predominantly residential use

Who can apply? Individuals and legal entities (through previously disclosed legal representative).

Documentation required

There are two phases in the processing procedure.

PHASE 1. Documentation required in order to obtain the urban planning license

  • Application for planning permission of works.
  • Basic building plan with the contents of annex 2, Law 7/2013, or with this content in technical documentation attached to the basic plan. Subsequently, with the execution plan, the activities plan must be provided, or the complete activities plan must be provided from the beginning.
  • Duly completed statement of compliance by the technician or the competent technician, in the event that the endorsed technical documentation is not submitted.

PHASE 2. Documentation required for the beginning and duration of the activity

  • Duly completed. Statement of compliance for the start and exercise of permanent activity.
  • Duly completed technical certificate of activity, with plans of the final state of the facilities.
  • Duly completed statement of compliance by the technician or the competent technician, in the event that the endorsed technical documentation is not submitted.
  • Technical certificate provided by the project manager

The entire documentation must also be submitted in electronic form as a pdf.

Where do I apply? At the Municipal Offices General Registry or via the Electronic Registry of the Town Hall’s electronic headquarters (provided that you have an electronic signature, according to article 10, Law 39/2015).

Price and payment method

  • Self-assessment generated by the General Registry in view of the documentation submitted, according to the rate set in the municipal tax bylaws for the current year.
  • By payment card at the General Registry when submitting the documentation.
  • Payment on the day documentation is submitted or the following day at any of the participating banking entities that appear in the self-assessment, or online on the Santa Eulària des Riu Town Hall website..
  • Law 7/2013, 26 November, on the legal system for installation, access and exercise of activities in the Balearic Islands (Balearic Islands Official Gazette no. 166, 30 November), the modifications enacted by Law 4/2014, 8 February (Balearic Islands Official Gazette no. 88, 28 June), Law 6/2019, 8 February (Balearic Islands Official Gazette no. 21, 16 February), Decree Law 8/2020, 13 May (Balearic Islands Official Gazette no. 84, 15 May) Law 2/2020, 15 October (Balearic Islands Official Gazette no. 180, 20 October).
  • Santa Eulària des Riu Town Hall tax bylaws.
  • Other bylaws according to activity requested                     
Municipal regulations can be consulted via this website by accessing ‘Town Hall> Bylaws' or ‘Areas/Departments> Urban Planning and Activities'..

Who processes the application?

Urban Planning and Activities Department.

Starting the procedure

At the request of the interested party.


Models of standardized forms, well completed and accompanied by the documentation indicated in the same forms.

Processing office

Urban Planning and Activities Department.
C. Mariano Riquer Wallis, 4 (3ª planta)
07840 Santa Eulària des Riu (Ibiza)
Tel. 971332800 (ext. 415)

Adjudicatory body

Local Government Board

Effects of silence Upheld, except in cases where the specific regulations stipulate the contrary in terms of works.
Additional information For additional information, please contact the Urban Planning and Activities Department.

Processing of minor or major permanent activities or modifications with the execution of works or installations

Who can apply?

Individuals and legal entities (through previously disclosed legal representative).
Documentation required

There are two phases in the processing procedure.

PHASE 1. Works and/or installations

  • The works and/or facilities for activities will be processed by urban planning files as appropriate. This is mandatory the submission of the Activities Project with the content that, at a minimum, is stipulated in annex II, Law 7/2013 currently in force.
PHASE 2. Documentation required for the beginning and duration of the activity
  • Duly completed. Statement of compliance for the start and exercise of permanent activity.
  • Duly completed technical certificate of activity, with plans of the final state of the facilities.
  • Duly completed statement of compliance by the technician or the competent technician, in the event that the endorsed technical documentation is not submitted..

The entire documentation must also be submitted in electronic form as a pdf.

  Where do I apply? At the Municipal Offices General Registry or via the Electronic Registry of the Town Hall’s electronic headquarters (provided that you have an electronic signature, according to article 10, Law 39/2015).
Price and payment method
  • Self-assessment generated by the General Registry in view of the documentation submitted, according to the rate set in the municipal tax bylaws for the current year.
  • By payment card at the General Registry when submitting the documentation.
  • Payment on the day when the documentation is submitted or the following day, at any of the participating banking entities that appear in the self-assessment, or online on the website of the Santa Eulària des Riu Town Hall..
  • Law 7/2013, 26 November, on the legal system for installation, access and exercise of activities in the Balearic Islands (Balearic Islands Official Gazette no. 166, 30 November), the modifications enacted by Law 4/2014, 8 February (Balearic Islands Official Gazette no. 88, 28 June), Law 6/2019, 8 February (Balearic Islands Official Gazette no. 21, 16 February), Decree Law 8/2020, 13 May (Balearic Islands Official Gazette no. 84, 15 May) Law 2/2020, 15 October (Balearic Islands Official Gazette no. 180, 20 October).
  • Law 39/2015, October 1, on common administrative procedure for public administrations (Official State Gazette, 236, 2 October).
  • Santa Eulària des Riu Town Hall tax bylaws.
  • Other bylaws according to activity requested.                           
Bylaws can be consulted via this website by accessing ‘Town Hall> Bylaws' or ‘Departments> Territory, Urban Planning and Activities'.
Who processes the application?

Urban Planning and Activities Department.

Starting the procedure

At the request of the interested party.

 Requirements Models of standardized forms, well completed and accompanied by the documentation indicated therein.
Processing office Urban Planning and Activities Department.
c/Mariano Riquer Wallis, 4 (3ª planta)
07840 Santa Eulària des Riu (Ibiza)
Tel. 971332800 (ext. 415)
Adjudicatory body


Effects of administrative silence

It does not apply to statements of compliance.

Additional information

For additional information, download the specific documents. Carefully read the instructions for completing the models.

Statement of compliance for the initiation and exercise of minor or major innocuous permanent activities without works or installations or non-simple modifications of these

Who can apply?

Individuals and legal entities (through previously disclosed legal representative).

Documentation required

  • Duly completed. Statement of compliance for the start and exercise of permanent activity.

The entire documentation must also be submitted in electronic form as a pdf.

Where do I apply?

At the Municipal Offices General Registry or via the Electronic Registry of the Town Hall’s electronic headquarters (provided that you have an electronic signature, according to article 10, Law 39/2015).

Price and payment method

  • Self-assessment generated by the General Registry in view of the documentation submitted, according to the rate set in the municipal tax bylaws for the current year.
  • By payment card at the General Registry when submitting the documentation.
  • Payment on the day documentation is submitted or the following day at any of the participating banking entities that appear in the self-assessment, or online on the Santa Eulària des Riu Town Hall website.
  • Law 7/2013, 26 November, on the legal system for installation, access and exercise of activities in the Balearic Islands (Balearic Islands Official Gazette no. 166, 30 November), the modifications enacted by Law 4/2014, 8 February (Balearic Islands Official Gazette no. 88, 28 June), Law 6/2019, 8 February (Balearic Islands Official Gazette no. 21, 16 February), Decree Law 8/2020, 13 May (Balearic Islands Official Gazette no. 84, 15 May) Law 2/2020, 15 October (Balearic Islands Official Gazette no. 180, 20 October).
  • Law 39/2015, October 1, on common administrative procedure for public administrations (Official State Gazette, 236, 2 October).
  • Santa Eulària des Riu Town Hall tax bylaws.
  • Other bylaws according to activity requested.

Bylaws can be consulted via this website by accessing "Town Hall> Bylaws" or "Departments> Territory, Urban Planning and Activities".

Who processes the application?

Urban Planning and Activities Department.

Starting the procedure

At the request of the interested party.

Requirements Models of standardized forms, well completed and accompanied by the documentation indicated on the form.
 Processing office Urban Planning and Activities Department.
c/Mariano Riquer Wallis, 4 (3ª planta)
07840 Santa Eulària des Riu (Ibiza)
Tel. 971332800 (ext. 415)

Adjudicatory body


Effects of administrative silence

It does not apply to statements of compliance.

Additional information

For additional information, please contact the Urban Planning and Activities Departments.