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Plainclothes Police officers will patrol beaches to prevent robberies and to avoid street vending and the risk for camping

Plainclothes Police officers will patrol beaches to prevent robberies and to avoid street vending and the risk for camping
  • With the arrival of 6 new agents, it will be possible to reinforce the service in Jesús and Puig d’en Valls areas, Citizen security and Police reports.

  • 13 license plate readers will be installed in Jesús and Santa Eulària villages to fight traffic offences and intrusion in transport.

On Wednesday, June 1st, Santa Eulària’s Local Police Summer prevention Service starts operating, a unit of plainclothes agents that will focus their activity along the coastlines. In addition, with the incorporation of 6 new agents in a week, different police services may be reinforced, services as community policing, especially in its coverage of Jesús and Puig d’en Valls, but also in Citizen Security and in Police reports. Finally, the strengthening of the Police service will be carried on during the next few weeks thanks to the procedure of incorporation of 10 new agents that is opened and the tender and installation of 13 license plate reader cameras that would allow them fighting against intrusion in transport and combating certain traffic offences.

Since the presence on beaches is already beginning to be noticeable and that most of the retailers in the touristic areas have outstanding activity levels, from today Santa Eulària des Riu Local Police have decided to activate its Summer Prevention Service, better known as Beaches Unit (“Unidad de Playas”),  to reinforce surveillance and prevention tasks in the busiest touristic areas, paying special attention to beaches and their closest environments. Initially, this police department will keep its activity until the end of October.

It is about agents performing their duties in plainclothes to be able to patrol and to gather information more easily, although they will not be the only units in performing these security tasks as their presence will be combined and supported, if necessary, by uniform patrols. Their functions will be focussed on crimes and offences, which may be more common in the coastal touristic areas, such as casually robberies, street vending without permission or illegal camping, with special emphasis on their prevention in natural areas because they are in high risk from spills and fires.

They will also maintain in close contact with business owners and workers around these touristic sites to try to gather useful information on areas of increased criminal activity or concentration of administrative offences. All this, also, in close collaboration with the Civil Guard to make a more effective use of the resources.

In addition to this reinforcement, within one week, the police force will be increased by 6 police personnel, which will allow enhancing different services, so coverage in security needs and enforcement of the ordinances within the municipality will be improved. This way, it will be possible to increase the provision of Proximity Units, specially the coverage of the areas of Jesús and Puig d’en Valls, thus being able to have a more continuous and visible presence in this villages. Likewise, the section of Citizen Security will also be enhanced and Report Unit police personnel will be increased.

The new 6 police personnel are divided between the agent that has taken possession of his position as a career official (who has been accompanied by another 2 police officers which also fall into that category and who were already serving) and the 5 agents that have finished The Basic Local Police Course and that will be incorporated next Monday, 6th of June.

Throughout summer, further arrivals are expected since right now there is an open procedure to cover 10 seats through the competition system and that could be assigned next September.

Finally, the procedure is being carried out for the purchase and installation of 13 license plate reading cameras. It consists of several certified devices, high resolution, which will allow controlling automatically the car plates that pass in front of their lenses. The first five will be deployed on different routes to access Jesús town, while the other 8 will be located in Santa Eulària. The objective is to hinder the activity of pirate taxis, to control compliance with the VTC service conditions and to locate vehicles in circulation that do not have a Mandatory Motor Vehicle Insurance or the Technical Inspection of Vehicles, administrative offences posing a potential danger to road users when questioning the good condition of vehicles or the ability of drivers to take responsibilities.