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The City Council proposes to the Government projects to support stores and businesses in es Canar, Cala Llonga and Santa Eulària worth 2.5 million euros

The City Council proposes to the Government projects to support stores and businesses in es Canar, Cala Llonga and Santa Eulària worth 2.5 million euros

Sensors to warn of free parking, systems to optimize electricity consumption, a loyalty card, the collection of perishable food or the pedestrianization of the promenade es Canar are among the proposals.

The City Council of Santa Eulària des Riu has requested the collaboration of the central government to carry out actions for the repositioning and enhancement of the areas of es Canar, Cala Llonga and the town of Santa Eulària so that the stores and businesses in these areas can be boosted thanks to the modernization of infrastructure and services. These improvements are also beneficial for the residents of the area, since the interventions affect various areas of public space, and also for the generation of employment, since any enhancement of the service sector has a direct correlation with the generation of jobs.

The proposed interventions involve an investment of about 2.5 million and could be financed 80% by the State through the Next Generation Funds of the European Union. Interventions have been requested within the lines for the 'Strengthening of commercial activity in tourist areas' and for the line of 'Support to markets, commercial urban areas, non-sedentary trade and short marketing channels'.

A total of fifteen specific measures are proposed, such as the pedestrianization and removal of architectural barriers in the Paseo Marítimo de es Canar, creation of electric vehicle recharging points, application of sensors and information systems to indicate areas with free parking, a program of loyalty and entertainment of tourists to stimulate sales of small businesses, sensorization kits and optimization of energy consumption in businesses to make them more sustainable and reduce their energy consumption, a system for collecting perishable items, free Wi-Fi networks in the commercial areas of the three centers and monitoring of urban environments to generate customer circulation maps, among other proposals.

The main objective of these interventions for which funds are requested from the central government is to offer improvements that enhance commercial dynamism and place the stores of Cala Llonga, es Canar and Santa Eulària in better conditions to exploit their full potential as generators of business and employment.

On the other hand, some of the proposed measures also have a positive effect on residents, beyond the great benefit of an active and lively local economy with a varied and quality supply of goods and services. Thus, proposals such as the pedestrianization of the es Canar promenade also have implications for the improvement in the quality of life of people with reduced mobility and the residents of the area due to the reduction of road traffic.

Likewise, the installation of sensors in fifty parking spaces in this same population center will allow faster access to parking and, therefore, less polluting emissions and less time invested in this purpose.

On the other hand, the reduction of energy consumption in stores or the delivery of kits to promote recycling and bags made of recycled materials will have an impact on positive environmental policies to reduce emissions and waste. The same purpose, in addition to supporting the most disadvantaged people, pursues the implementation of a perishable food collection service to be donated to social and health entities.

*Translated with the assistance of DeepL