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Bechtoldt, Trull of Can’Andreu, Supereighties, Manu Tenorio, El Casta… Sant Carles Festival comes with more protagonists than ever

Bechtoldt, Trull of Can’Andreu, Supereighties, Manu Tenorio, El Casta… Sant Carles Festival comes with more protagonists than ever

Next Monday, 24 Octubre, Ca n’Anneta hosts the start of the “tute” and “cau” Championships that will kick off the festivities of Sant Carles de Peralta. During four weeks, the Parish will be full of activities that will fill these important dates in our island festivity calendar. Thus, in adittion to the festivity of the Patron or the already famous squid fair, this year we will also have a tribute to the recently departed Erwin Bechtoldt, the opening to the public of the Trull of Ca n’Andreu, concerts of the Supereighties and Manu Tenorio or the return to the Ibicencan stages of Agustín El Casta, among others.

The Festival programme, made by the Neighbours Association La Unión de Sant Carles with the cooperation of the Municipality of Santa Eulària des Riu, including again among its activities a combination of proposals looking at the tradition and other more current; and activities already consolidated with others that are emerging each year.

Among the exclusive acts of this 2022 , it has a prominent place the tribute that family, friends and neighbours  will pay to the recently deceased Erwin Bechtold, an international renowned artist based in Sant Carles for decades. The appointment is organized by the Cultural Centre of Sant Carles and that will take place on November 12th , from 19:00 in the auditorium of the town attached to the church.

Another important appointment, much awaited by many of the parish’s neighbours, is the opening of the  “Trull of Ca n’Andreu”. This old “pagesa” house includes inside an authentic museum with utensils of all kinds traditionally used in the Ibizan countryside. Property of the Municipality, various repairs have been carried out and their contents have been documented, repairing some of the parts that had some wear. From now on, it will be an installation open to the public in a stable way and on November 5th at 17:00h the official opening will take place.

The Patron day, November 4th, there will be a musical session with local names starring by Zerro, My Generation and Canallas del Guateque. It will be the warming up for next day great concert. Manu Tenorio will perform in Church Square. This singer from Sevilla will review some of the great songs of his already extensive career in addition to presenting some of the compositions that make up his next album.

As for amusement, two dates call special attention. On one side the Supereighties Festival that will take place on Saturday, October 29th in addition to the Squid Fair. It is about a concert of more than two and a half hours in which the performances of the following artists will take place:  Bernardo, singer of The Refrescos; Javier Andreu, soul of La Frontera; Tennessee and The Capitán Inhumano Band, with original components of  “Los Inhumanos”. All this with the accompaniment of the superband “La Poptelera”.

Meanwhile, on November 1st, at 20:30, Church Square will be the stage of a night of humour with the return to Santa Eularia stages of “Agustín El Casta”, who will be accompanied in the session by José Boto and Albert.

Ajuntamente de Santa Eulària des Riu


Bechtoldt, Trull of Can’Andreu, Supereighties, Manu Tenorio, El Casta… Sant Carles Festival comes with more protagonists than ever
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