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Work started to reduce water consumption in the planters of Santa Eulària Promenade

Work started to reduce water consumption in the planters of Santa Eulària Promenade

This November, the remodelling of the 83 planters of Santa Eulària Promenade has begun. These works, which will last until April, will allow an aesthetic renewal of the environment, but most of all, will be able to optimise water consumption in these spaces. These works are part of the new contract for maintenance of gardens and green areas. Altogether 4.774 square metres will be intervened.

To achieve a better use of water resources in these spaces, these works that have now begun contemplate the implementation of irrigation located in those green spots, so that the maintenance of plated species does not involved excessive use of water. It also contemplates the planting of new Mediterranean plant species characterized by low water consumption and easy adaptation to the local climate. Finally, “padded” spaces will be used to reduce water evaporation so that plants require less watering.

Also the benefits in terms of saving water, these works will mean the renewal of planters and green areas. On the one hand, the work will involve the removal of some walls and fences, which will be directed to improve accessibility in a positive way. On the other hand, the change of the old finishes with white plasters by new ones in stone lined work and steel, which will give the Promenade a more current look according to the aesthetic lines that are being used in the welcome points to several towns of the municipality.

One last benefit of this intervention is that the stone lined works may serve as shelter for the lizards living in the promenade.