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Santa Eulària des Riu approaches a thousand dogs in the municipal canine DNA genetic census system

Santa Eulària des Riu approaches a thousand dogs in the municipal canine DNA genetic census system

About a thousand dogs, among the more than half a thousand registered and nearly 250 previous appointments requested (with more that one dog per appointment in many cases), thicken until now the municipal system of genetic census of canine DNA in Santa Eulària des Riu. Registration is mandatory from February onwards, it is also then when sanction campaigns shall begin. The owners have until January 31st to request sampling and take advantage of the bonus period.

The price of sampling is less than 18,75 euros per animal with the 50% bonus set by the municipality, while if you have two or more animals you only pay for one of them. The appointment can be requested in the Animal Welfare DNA Canine area in the website or calling 648 94 41 49. It should be recalled that fines for depositions reach 300€ and that the Consistory must invest more than 200.000€ every year in cleaning roads and public areas.

Santa Eulària des Riu Canine DNA is a measure against the uncivic attitudes of a minority of owners who do not collect the excrement of their pets, as well as ensuring animal welfare by identifying the owners of abandoned litters, facilitating the return of stolen animals to their owners and to identify animals attacking livestock in rural areas. Sampling is completely painless for animals.

To identify offenders it is only required a qualified technician to collect a sample of saliva, excrements or any other organic matter containing DNA of the animal, to be processed and cross-checked with the municipal census. This measure has been successfully implemented in more than fifty Spanish municipalities among which highlight capital cities as Malaga or Zaragoza, in addition to a large number of towns in Valencia Community.


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