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Santa Eulària des Riu gardening service reinforces its commitment to sustainability with the incorporation of four vans and several electric tools, which produce less pollution and noise

Santa Eulària des Riu gardening service reinforces its commitment to sustainability with the incorporation of four vans and several electric tools, which produce less pollution and noise

Santa Eulària des Riu mayor, Carmen Ferrer; and the environmental councillor, Mónica Madrid; Both have presented four new electric vehicles that will be used for the improvement and preservation service in gardens and green areas of the municipality.  There will be four vans that will be used by the personnel of the contractor company to make rounds inspection of garden areas and Crew blowers, lawnmowers, mechanical saws, hedge cutters and other electrical tools will also be incorporated in the maintenance, which are much less polluting and with almost zero noise emissions.

Equipment with low emission vehicles was one of the requirements established within the new contract, a way of contributing, as far as possible, to improve the environment and be consistent with the philosophy of an activity whose purpose is to care for the environment.

The commitment to electric vehicles is implemented in those segments where there is a sufficient supply of vehicles while there, where it does not exist or it is very limited, as in the case of specialized machinery or trucks, committed to more efficient combustion equipment that minimize their impact of their use.

The concern for environmental efficiency is also translated in the actions of improvement and renovation that are being carried out in the garden areas of the whole municipality, with the planting of autochthonous species or adapted to the Mediterranean climate to reduce water consumption, and the installation of localized drip irrigation systems so that less water is used and excessive evaporation is avoided. In this sense, although it is not the only intervention, the renovation of planters in  Santa Eulària des Riu  Seafront Promenade is finished in its part of works and now only the plantation has to be finished.

In this action, around 4.774 square meters are being intervened where besides the measures of drip irrigation and plants with less hydric demand, recycled aggregate ‘padding’ is also used, which reduces water evaporation, in addition to installing a mesh to prevent proliferation of weeds.  Finally, there is also an aesthetic renovation of these spaces with natural stone walls that contribute to improve the habitat of the ‘Pitiusa’ (Ibiencan) lizard. It is worth mentioning the high presence of individuals in public gardens. As well as the installation of 4 “insect hotels” to promote the habitat of a “friendly fauna” for the prevention of pests such as aphid.

Ajuntamente de Santa Eulària des Riu
Ajuntamente de Santa Eulària des Riu
Ajuntamente de Santa Eulària des Riu