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Help Bureau for Victims of Crime

The Assistance Office for Victims of Crime (AOVD) is a free public service provided by a staff of civil servants from the Justice Department and by professional psychologists.

Assistance is not dependent on having previously lodged a complaint.


  • General legal orientation for the victim in order to prevent secondary victimization (Legal orientation and assistance in the lawsuit corresponds to the person who takes on the official conduct of litigation.)
  • Psychological support for victims
  • Referral to the necessary social resources

Intended for victims of:

  • Violent crimes resulting in death, serious injuries or harm to physical and/or mental health
  • Crimes against sexual freedom (direct or indirect)
  • Male aggression
  • Any type of victim, primary or secondary, or any type of crime, whether serious or minor, regardless of whether or not a complaint has been lodged

What we offer:

  • Information on the rights of the person who is the victim with the aim of preventing re-victimization or lack of protection after the crime
  • Information regarding the right to free legal assistance, depending on the case
  • Information on how to lodge a criminal complaint and where to lodge it, as well as orientation as to the nature of its content and processing through the court system
  • Up-to-date information on the status of the proceedings
  • Accompaniment to judicial processes, including to trials
  • Information regarding economic aid which might be available as a consequence of the crime, as determined by the law
  • Psychological support and treatment
  • Orientation as to existing social resources and possible access to these through referral, depending on the case

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Where we are:

  • Address: C/ Madrid, 15, Eivissa
  • Telephone: 971 19 50 44
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.