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Social Services and 24-hour support (IBDONA)

 The 24-hour telephone helpline, Social Support and Guidance Service is a facility provided by the Institut Balear de la Dona (Balearic Institute for Women), which specializes in comprehensive assistance for victims of gender-based violence: physical, psychological, economic, sexual, and symbolic violence as well as femicide and genital mutilation. It is operative 24 hours a day, 365 days a year throughout the Balearic Islands.

It is a specialized service designed to respond to immediate needs in cases of gender-based violence in the Balearic Island, offering assistance to both direct victims as well as persons who share the same setting, and also professional carers along with the general public.

Calls to 016 from women who are residents in the Balearic Island will be handled from this 24-hour Guidance Service.

What we offer you:

  • Telephone support and guidance in emergency situations caused by male aggression
  • Information, orientation and social advice
  • Referral to adequate specialized resources
  • In-person guidance within established times and with prior professional evaluation

This service is intended for:

  • Women who are victims of male aggression and/or environmental threats
  • The children of  the victims of male aggression
  • Professionals
  • The community in general

Contact info:

  • EMERGENCY telephone number: 112
  • Institut Balear de la Dona (Balearic Institute for Women): 971 17 89 89/ WhatsApp: 639 837 476
  • E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.