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Basic Community Social Services (Santa Eulària des Riu Town Hall)

Community Social Services guarantee the universality of the Public System of Social Services and its availability to individual people as well as to family units and social interactions.

If you are the victim of male aggression, the Social Services department of the Santa Eulària Town Hall can assist you, by means of an appointment with our social worker, in the following ways: we can provide immediate help and services, we can guide you in all of the paperwork you may need to do, and if necessary, refer you to a specialized service or recourse.

Information and orientation in regard to:

  • Economic subsidies, Social Security benefits, aid from Social Services  
  • Enrolling your children in school, obtaining a place at a day care centre, assistance if you have elders or dependents in your care, paperwork for a regulatory agreement, etc.

Covering your basic needs:

  • Food and supermarket, school lunchroom for your children
  • Nappies, baby formula, baby food
  • Medicines and pharmacy
  • Expenses for rent, day care, transport, clothes, school books, after-school activities, etc.

Alternative emergency accommodations:

  • Referral to the specific service within the Oficina de la Dona del Consell Insular (Women’s Bureau of the Island Council)
  • Hostel, guesthouse, apartment… or any other lodging considered suitable

Basic Community Social Services

Where we are:

  • Address: C/ Cesar Puget Riquer, no. 15 bajo
  • Telephone: 971 04 02 24
  • E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Opening times: 8:30 am to 2:30 pm (Monday to Friday)