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Free legal assistance

This service provides free legal orientation for women who are victims of gender-based violence and who require a court-appointed lawyer to defend them in a proceeding which is related, directly or indirectly, to the violence they have suffered.

How to gain access:

To gain access to this service you must have a gender-based legal proceeding in motion.

You can request an appointment here:

Service of legal orientation

Where we are:

Help Bureau for Victims of Crime

The Assistance Office for Victims of Crime (AOVD) is a free public service provided by a staff of civil servants from the Justice Department and by professional psychologists.

Assistance is not dependent on having previously lodged a complaint.


  • General legal orientation for the victim in order to prevent secondary victimization (Legal orientation and assistance in the lawsuit corresponds to the person who takes on the official conduct of litigation.)
  • Psychological support for victims
  • Referral to the necessary social resources

Intended for victims of:

  • Violent crimes resulting in death, serious injuries or harm to physical and/or mental health
  • Crimes against sexual freedom (direct or indirect)
  • Male aggression
  • Any type of victim, primary or secondary, or any type of crime, whether serious or minor, regardless of whether or not a complaint has been lodged

What we offer:

  • Information on the rights of the person who is the victim with the aim of preventing re-victimization or lack of protection after the crime
  • Information regarding the right to free legal assistance, depending on the case
  • Information on how to lodge a criminal complaint and where to lodge it, as well as orientation as to the nature of its content and processing through the court system
  • Up-to-date information on the status of the proceedings
  • Accompaniment to judicial processes, including to trials
  • Information regarding economic aid which might be available as a consequence of the crime, as determined by the law
  • Psychological support and treatment
  • Orientation as to existing social resources and possible access to these through referral, depending on the case

Download leaflet

Where we are:

  • Address: C/ Madrid, 15, Eivissa
  • Telephone: 971 19 50 44
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Court nº1 for cases of violence against women

 What they offer:

Ibiza’s Court No. 1 for Violence against Women is where legal procedures are carried out in order to mandate penal accountability and the corresponding adoption of protection orders.

Once you have lodged a complaint with the duty court, or with the law-keeping forces, this will be where the trial is held.

Where we are:

  • Address: C/ Madrid, 15, Eivissa
  • Telephone: 971 19 39 60
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Grid of job-market orientation tutors for victims of gender-based violence (SOIB)

If you are a woman who has suffered gender-based violence and you want to find a job or obtain professional training, the SOIB (employment office) will put a specialized orientation tutor at your disposal.

What we offer:

You will receive confidential and sensitive guidance. You will be able to create an itinerary for occupational insertion or training programmes that fit in with the needs of your personal situation. Moreover, we offer you guidance throughout the whole process, information on resources and promotional employment programmes to which, if you are interested and comply with the requirements, you will gain preferential access.

How can I gain access to this service?

If you are interested, you must be signed up at your local employment office as someone seeking a job.

If you are not yet signed up, you may do so via cita previa demandas  previa and then directly request an appointment with the tutor for cases of gender-based aggression.

Visit website

Where we are:

  • SOIB Santa Eulària des Riu
  • Address: Camí de Missa, 34
  • Telephone: 971 17 70 77
  • Opening times: 9:00 am to 2:00 pm (Monday to Friday)

Doctors of the World

The organization Doctors of the World works to prevent and oppose other forms of violence against women, such as female genital mutilations, sexual exploitation and trafficking for the purposes of sexual exploitation.

Visit website

Where we are:

  • Address: Vía Púnica, 45 bajo derecha
  • Telephone: 971 30 11 89 / 628 467 378
  • Opening times: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


You can go to your Health Centre and explain your situation to a professional you trust so that he or she can offer you the help you need.

If you have physical or psychological injuries caused by sexual aggressions, explain the origin of these injuries to the health professionals who treat you. From the Health Centre, they will forward the medical report of the injuries to the corresponding court. You can request a copy of this report.

The health department of Ibiza and Formentera has a medical Commission of Violence against Women, comprised of first responders and hospital professionals. This commission is a shared concern in which health professionals and social workers come together in the task of raising awareness, preventing, and doing battle against gender-based violence.

Health Centres in Santa Eulària des Riu

Where we are:

Basic Community Social Services (Santa Eulària des Riu Town Hall)

Community Social Services guarantee the universality of the Public System of Social Services and its availability to individual people as well as to family units and social interactions.

If you are the victim of male aggression, the Social Services department of the Santa Eulària Town Hall can assist you, by means of an appointment with our social worker, in the following ways: we can provide immediate help and services, we can guide you in all of the paperwork you may need to do, and if necessary, refer you to a specialized service or recourse.

Information and orientation in regard to:

  • Economic subsidies, Social Security benefits, aid from Social Services  
  • Enrolling your children in school, obtaining a place at a day care centre, assistance if you have elders or dependents in your care, paperwork for a regulatory agreement, etc.

Covering your basic needs:

  • Food and supermarket, school lunchroom for your children
  • Nappies, baby formula, baby food
  • Medicines and pharmacy
  • Expenses for rent, day care, transport, clothes, school books, after-school activities, etc.

Alternative emergency accommodations:

  • Referral to the specific service within the Oficina de la Dona del Consell Insular (Women’s Bureau of the Island Council)
  • Hostel, guesthouse, apartment… or any other lodging considered suitable

Basic Community Social Services

Where we are:

  • Address: C/ Cesar Puget Riquer, no. 15 bajo
  • Telephone: 971 04 02 24
  • E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Opening times: 8:30 am to 2:30 pm (Monday to Friday)

Women’s Bureau (Consell d’Eivissa)

The bureau known as Oficina de la Dona (Women’s Bureau) is an information and advisory service specifically created for women from Ibiza with a comprehensive support programme for women who are victims of gender-based violence.

The programmes currently being run by the Women’s Bureau are:

  • Programme for the support and treatment of victims of gender-based violence.
  • Programme for shelter in safe houses.
  • Programme for the psychological support of children whose mothers are victims of gender-based violence
  • Programme for general information and advice
  • Programme for orientation in the socio-occupational sector

These programmes are aimed at:

All women on the island of Ibiza who need:

  • General information on topics specifically related to women.
  • Advice on available resources and orientation in the socio-occupational sector.
  • Temporary shelter as victims of gender-based violence.
  • Legal counsel on procedures and legal resources.
  • Psychological therapy to alleviate the consequences derived from gender-based violence.
  • Psychological therapy for the children of women who are victims of gender-based violence.

Social wellbeing and human resources

Where we are:

  • Address: C/Cosme Vidal Llàser, s/n (Edificio de Servicios sociales Cas Serres- Eivissa)
  • Telephone: 971 19 56 07
  • E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Opening hours: 8:00 am to 2:00 pm (Monday to Friday)

Santa Eulària Guardia Civil: Viogén Team

The Guardia Civil has a squad called the Viogén team to assist you throughout this process. Once a complaint has been lodged or a report made, this team is delegated with maintaining direct contact with the female victim and with the aggressor to the degree required by the risk posed by the case, and always in the case of a court order for protection. Moreover, each case is individually followed up telephonically or in person, as required by the circumstances.

Where we are:

Address: C/ Ramón Muntaner, 9

Santa Eulària des Riu

Telephone: 971 33 02 27

Emergencies: 062

Santa Eulària des Riu Local Police: Viogén Team

The local Police of Santa Eulària has a female agent who is specialized in violence against women. She will assist you via telephone or in a personal interview.

What we offer:

  • We monitor victims classed as low-risk who do not have current orders of protection.
  • We advise victims on any questions they may have.
  • We inform victims of any changes in the whereabouts or other particulars of their aggressor (release from prison and/or new furlough schedule, etc.).
  • We collaborate with, and exchange information with, the Guardia Civil in order to better monitor victims and their families.

Where we are:

Address: Calle Venda des Coloms, 10 bajos

Telephone: 971 33 08 41

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Times for this service: 8:30 am to 4:00 pm

Social Services and 24-hour support (IBDONA)

 The 24-hour telephone helpline, Social Support and Guidance Service is a facility provided by the Institut Balear de la Dona (Balearic Institute for Women), which specializes in comprehensive assistance for victims of gender-based violence: physical, psychological, economic, sexual, and symbolic violence as well as femicide and genital mutilation. It is operative 24 hours a day, 365 days a year throughout the Balearic Islands.

It is a specialized service designed to respond to immediate needs in cases of gender-based violence in the Balearic Island, offering assistance to both direct victims as well as persons who share the same setting, and also professional carers along with the general public.

Calls to 016 from women who are residents in the Balearic Island will be handled from this 24-hour Guidance Service.

What we offer you:

  • Telephone support and guidance in emergency situations caused by male aggression
  • Information, orientation and social advice
  • Referral to adequate specialized resources
  • In-person guidance within established times and with prior professional evaluation

This service is intended for:

  • Women who are victims of male aggression and/or environmental threats
  • The children of  the victims of male aggression
  • Professionals
  • The community in general

Contact info:

  • EMERGENCY telephone number: 112
  • Institut Balear de la Dona (Balearic Institute for Women): 971 17 89 89/ WhatsApp: 639 837 476
  • E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

016 - Telephone number providing legal information and advice

The Ministry of Equality, operating through the Government Delegation against Gender-based Violence, offers this telephone service in order to provide information, legal advice, and immediate psychological assistance dispensed by specialized personnel and addressing all types of violence against women. Contact details are as follows:

  • The quick-dial telephone number 016
  • WhatsApp at the number 600 000 016
  • E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Access for persons with hearing and/or speech impairment:

Useful Informaction

112 - Emergency telephone number

 The telephone number 112 is an emergency helpline that functions in all of Europe. It is available for citizens to call if they find themselves in any type of emergency situation and is operative 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

This call is free and can be placed from any type of land line or cell phone, even if the latter has no SIM card.

112 is the central hub from which all of the intervention forces necessary for the resolution of any emergency are organized: state law-keeping and security forces, health assistance, firefighters, citizen safety, etc.