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Basic Community Social Services

Basic Community Social Services



Our services offer open, universal and multifaceted aid. They constitute a regulated means of access to the social services system and guarantee that the system is both universal and available to individuals, families and social environments where such services may be needed. Community Social Services are multi-layered and preventive in nature and aim to foster autonomy in individuals, allowing them to live with dignity. Our services provide assistance in different situations of necessity as these may arise.

Community Social Services are carried out preferably within the context of an individual’s everyday sphere of activity and relationships and may be paired with special-attention services as well as those in the realm of health, education, culture, etc.

The function of Community Social Services is to detect, prevent and deal with situations of vulnerability as well as situations of necessity as set forth in Article 6 of Law 4/2009, passed on 11 June by Balearic Island Social Services.

Individuals prioritised for access to social services are those who find themselves in any of the following situations:

  • Special-needs individuals with physical, mental or sensorial impairment
  • Difficulties with family or community integration due to mental or chronic illness
  • Difficulties with social integration linked to precarious labour conditions, unemployment and economic vulnerability
  • Social necessity arising from familial breakdown and/or the lack of adequate housing
  • Vulnerability, risk or neglect in regard to senior citizens, children, teenagers and special-needs individuals
  • Sexist, gender-based violence and diverse forms of family violence
  • Difficulty with family or community integration due to substance abuse and/or other addiction(s)
  • Social risk, exclusion and isolation
  • Problems with peaceful coexistence and social cohesion
  • Social emergencies
  • Social emergencies caused by catastrophes


This service provides educational support for families with children and minors as well as for the general community at large living in this municipality.

Individual and family attention proposes to prevent conflicts in the realm of cohabitation, to deepen knowledge, to teach skill sets and coping strategies, and to increase security in the day-to-day habits of those bringing up children.

Diverse issues are addressed, such as parental relationships, family communication, emotional imbalances in children caused by a difficult rapport between separated parents, eating and sleeping disorders, behavioural and learning disorders, lack of motivation in youth for their studies, aggressive attitudes and conduct in children and youth, both in the nuclear family and among peers.

This service offers guidelines to improve communication and family relationships, educational techniques that help strengthen the role of parents, information on different stages of psychosocial growth and development in children and teenagers as well as conflict-mediation techniques between parents and children. 

Attention for the community and general population offers family school, talks, informative events and workshops on different topics, according to the needs of each municipality.

Memory 2019 Memory 2020  Memory 2021