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Sustainable beach cleaning plan

The beaches of Ibiza, and specifically Santa Eulària, deserve all our attention and care. Firstly, because of the particular nature of our coastline, the beauty of the waters and the surroundings, and of course, because these qualities attract a large number of visitors a year, thus making them the main economic driver of our municipality.

In this context, the preservation of these fragile systems is a primary responsibility of the Santa Eulària des Riu Town Hall, in order that our tourism and our economic development be as sustainable as possible.

Santa Eulària des Riu Town Hall has therefore drawn up a Sustainable Beach Cleaning Plan, which incorporates sustainable management criteria with the environment in order to minimise the environmental impact on our coastline.


During recent decades, the posidonia from the beaches was removed throughout the year, along with a high amount of sand and sediment, which was brought to the island landfill. This exposed the beaches in the municipality to greater degradation and erosion.

From 2008, an important change took place regarding beach management, stemming from the 1st Coastline Management Conference and promoted by Santa Eulària Town Hall and the Consell Insular d'Eivissa, in which an agreement was signed between all the municipalities not to remove the posidonia oceanica during the winter season, in order not to aggravate the double process of degradation and erosion of the beaches.

On the one hand, the removal of Posidonia in winter causes large volumes of sediment and sand to be lost from the beaches, and on the other, the fact that the beach is devoid of Posidonia berms makes it more vulnerable to the erosion of the coastline through wave energy, with the consequent loss of sand and sediment.

Sustainable Beach Cleaning Plan Objectives

The objectives of the implementation of the Sustainable Beach Cleaning Plan are ecological in nature. However, economic and social objectives also apply, as these three factors imply sustainability.

Ecological objectives:

  • Minimise the impact generated by the indiscriminate removal of plant debris accumulated in the wave-breaking area, thus avoiding the loss of sand and preventing the retreat of the coastline and protecting the beach against winter storms.
  • Preparation of protocols for the removal of these accumulated berms, based on the specific dynamics of each of the coastal areas of the municipality.
  • The proposal of spaces as storage areas and the use of these as material to be returned the wave-breaking area in winter, contributing to the recovery of a large part of the sedimentary material deposited in its removal.

Economic and Social Objectives:

  • Reduction of the costs generated by the current management of Posidonia as waste brought to the island landfill.
  • The consideration of tourism as a collective social practice that generates economic activity essentially requires the creation and maintenance of jobs, as well as maintaining the abundance of the place by taking advantage of the available resources efficiently and sustainably.
  • Conservation of the beaches as a tourist resource and economic driver of Ibiza.
  • The introduction of sustainable beach management criteria improves the Ibiza’s image for residents and tourists.

Universal accessibility policy

Santa Eulària des Riu Town Hall understands that implementing an accessibility policy is the essential medium through which all residents of the municipality and Ibiza, and also visitors and tourists, without excluding those people with some type of disability or reduced mobility, may exercise their right to enjoy all our services.

We understand that implementing this type of measure aimed at equal opportunities is the best way for people with disabilities to achieve the same rights of participation.

Santa Eulària des Riu Town Hall, in signing the Manifesto for Accessible Tourism, expresses its desire to promote accessible tourism at all stages of the tourist experience.

Furthermore, Santa Eulària des Riu Town Hall is fully committed to the development and implementation of a Universal Accessibility Management System on Santa Eulàlia des Riu beach and on Cala Llonga beach, and to the continuous improvement of its effectiveness, and conveys to the entire organization and interest groups the importance of satisfying both the requirements of Ambulation, Apprehension, Location and Communication (DALCO) and its regulations.

The objective of Santa Eulària des Riu Town Hall is to achieve an accessible environment for all types of people with or without disabilities, complying with the specific DALCO requirements stipulated in the UNE 170001 standard and applicable legislation, and to improve its processes with the aim of avoiding all those limitations or barriers that could prevent the full enjoyment of the goods and services that the Town Hall makes available to the users of our beaches, without undermining their safety and dignity.

The Town Hall is therefore committed to:

  • Planning those actions and objectives that help meet DALCO requirements.
  • Implementing these actions.
  • Determining the criteria and procedures required to ensure that the actions taken are maintained and effective.
  • Establishing the methods to discover the degree of satisfaction and the accessibility needs of all our users with respect to the goods and services that we supply.

Informe AR 2022 Accesibilidad Universal UNE 170001

Environmental policy

El Ayuntamiento de Santa Eulària des Riu, con la implantación de un sistema de gestión de calidad y medio ambiente, quiere ofrecer a sus visitantes y residentes un ecosistema protegido y con un elevado valor natural, así como unos servicios de calidad de acuerdo con los requisitos de dichas normas. Para llevar a la práctica estos principios, el Ayuntamiento de Santa Eulària des Riu se compromete, dentro de sus posibilidades, a desarrollar la gestión de las playas de acuerdo con los criterios siguientes:

  1. Adoptar las medidas necesarias para prevenir desde su origen y minimizar cualquier contaminación asociada a las actividades que se desarrollen.
  2. Buscar el ahorro de recursos naturales mediante la sensibilización de los usuarios para un uso racional del agua y fundamento de la recogida selectiva de residuos a las playas.
  3. Velar por la calidad de las aguas de baño y asegurando unas condiciones higiénico-sanitarias aceptables para las zonas de baño.
  4. Mejorar las vías de comunicación con los usuarios de las playas mediante campañas de comunicación a través de medios de difusión como la página web, mailings y otros medios que se consideren oportunos.
  5. Adoptar todas las nuevas medidas necesarias para garantizar el cumplimiento de toda normativa ambiental aplicable a nuestras actividades a nivel europeo, estatal, autonómico y local, así como todos los requisitos que sean de aplicación en relación con aspectos ambientales.
  6. Controlar los aspectos ambientales derivados de las diferentes actividades que se desarrollan en las playas, asegurando así su adecuación con respeto a la presente política y su mantenimiento dentro de los niveles establecidos.
  7. Evaluar para adelantar las repercusiones potenciales en relación al medio ambiente de todas las actividades nuevas y servicios desarrollados, adoptando las medidas preventivas para minimizar o eliminar su impacto.
  8. Definir y revisar periódicamente los objetivos y las metas medioambientales establecidas en cumplimiento de esta política medioambiental, dentro del proceso de mejora continua de nuestra actuación.
  9. Difundir la política medioambiental entre todos los empleados, empresas subcontratadas y usuarios en definitiva de los bienes y servicios públicos del Ayuntamiento.
  10. Formar y entrenar a cada empleado, haciéndoles participes del respeto por la política medioambiental y extendiendo el alcance de la formación y sensibilización medioambiental a los usuarios de las playas y otros servicios públicos.
  11. Implantar y mantener al día el sistema de gestión aplicable a la gestión de las playas municipales, que permita obtener una certificación en conformidad con la norma UNE-EN ISO 14001, con todo lo que implica de esfuerzo colectivo, seguridad de actuación y resultados.

El Litoral es un bien común, es por esto que desde el Ayuntamiento de Santa Eulària des Riu queremos hacer partícipes a todos los usuarios, así como a todos aquellos que realicen sus actividades, del presente proyecto, promoviendo su colaboración y buscando la satisfacción de todos aquellos que de una manera o de otra disfrutan de las playas del municipio.

Informe AS2 2022 Gestión Ambiental UNE 14001