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Certificate of Service

Based on the data in the municipal archives, as well as in the Land Registry and other official data to which there is access, this certifies the approximate age of the foundations of a building and, where appropriate, of its extensions, as the non-existence of a planning enforcement proceeding (applying penalties and/or restoring legal status). It is usually requested in order to proceed with the registration of a building (declaration of new construction) or to change it according to the actually existing commonhold partition. Similarly, the contribution of a building’s certificate of service is required to obtain a certificate of habitability for older constructions, that is, when the building does not have a previous certificate of occupancy or a first occupancy license..


Who can apply?

Individuals and legal entities (through a previously disclosed legal representative).

Documentation required

  • Application form
  • When the request is made through a representative, accreditation of the representation by any legally valid means that leaves a reliable record of its existence must be provided in the terms stipulated in article 5, Law 39/2015, 1 October, on common administrative procedure for public administrations.
  • Fee payment receipt.
  • Literal certification of ownership of the registration of the plot in the Property Registry (the original document must be submitted, with a maximum age of 6 months).
  • Photos of construction of all façades.
  • Location plan, to a scale of 1:2000 or 1:1000 (urban), or 1:5000 (rural).
  • List of licences granted for the plot if available.

Where do I apply?

Via the Electronic Registry at the Town Hall’s electronic headquarters (provided that you have an electronic signature, according to article 10, Law 39/2015) or the Municipal Offices General Registry.

Price and payment method

€ 300.00 fee

Payment methods:

  • Self-assessment generated by the General Registry in view of the documentation submitted, according to the rate set in the municipal tax bylaws for the current year.
  • By payment card at the General Registry when submitting the documentation.
  • Payment on the day documentation is submitted or the following day at any of the participating banking entities that appear in the self-assessment, or online on the Santa Eulària des Riu Town Hall website.


  • Law 39/2015, 1 October, on common administrative procedure for public administrations.
  • Santa Eulària des Riu Subsidiary Planning Regulations.
  • Ibiza Land Plan and its modifications.
  • Balearic Islands Urban Planning Law (LUIB) 12/2017 and its modifications, 29 December.
  • Decree 145/1997, 21 November, which regulates the scaling, hygiene and installation conditions for the design and habitability of homes, as well as the issuance of certificates of habitability, article 10.3

Who processes the application?

Urban Planning and Activities Department.

Starting the procedure

At the request of the interested party.
Requirements Submit a completed general application accompanied by the aforementioned documentation.
Processing office

Urban Planning and Activities Department
C. Mariano Riquer Wallis, 4 (3ª planta)
07840 Santa Eulària des Riu (Ibiza)
Tel. 971332800

Adjudicatory/Issuing Body

Mayor’s office or councillor in charge


Download general application form