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Reimbursement of waste management deposit

Description: reimbursement of the economic guarantee when it has been documented that the waste management has been carried out correctly.

Documentation required:

  • Application request
    • The details of the license or the prior communication of works without a design must be indicated on the basis of which the aforementioned bond was established.
    • Submit proof of the holder and current account number of the person that appears on the payment letter where the deposit that appears in the reimbursement will be made.
    • Proof of the correct management of the waste, for which a receipt issued by an authorised waste management entity must be submitted or proof that it has been reused or recycled provided. A photographic dossier may be submitted for this purpose.

In Santa Eulària des Riu they are:

  • Ca na Negreta (Ibiza road, km 6.1).
  • Ca na Putxa rubbish tip (Jesús Road to Cala Llonga km 5).
  • Santa Barbara sorting plant (Cala Llonga km 4.3).
  • Civic amenity sites.

Complete list of companies authorised as waste managers throughout Ibiza. 

Applicable regulations:

  • Law 39/2015, 1 October, on common administrative procedure for public administrations.
  • Construction and demolition waste bylaws, issued on 12 August 2010, Balearic Islands Official Gazette, no. 118.

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Reimbursement of deposit

Description: reimbursement of the economic guarantee when it is proven that the replacement works of the affected paving and services (pavements, asphalt) have been completed and that they are in good condition.

Documentation required:

  • Application request for reimbursement of deposit and documentation to attach:
    • The data of the license (license number) or the Prior Communication (number of General Entry Registry) of works without a project, based on which the deposit was made, must be indicated.
    • Current account number and proof that it is held by the same person that appears in the deposit payment letter, where the deposit that appears in the reimbursement will be made.
    • Photographic dossier of the replacement maintenance once completed.

Adjudicatory body: Local Government Board / councillor in charge

Applicable regulations:

  • Law 39/2015, 1 October, on common administrative procedure for public administrations.
  • Balearic Islands Urban Planning Law 12/2017, 29 December.
  • Santa Eulària des Riu Subsidiary Regulations
  • Ibiza Land Plan
  • Bylaws on civic relations and the regulation of the use, occupation and cleaning of public roads in Santa Eulària de Riu municipality (Balearic Islands Official Gazette no. 97, 30.07.2016).

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